Apprentice Academy
Policies, Required Items and Board related items
Apprentice Academy Board of Directors is made up of citizen VOLUNTEERS.
Unlike the traditional school district, Board members do not get paid to sit on the board.
Apprentice Academy Board of Directors derives its authority from NC Statute 115C-218.15. "The board of directors of the charter school shall decide matters related to the operation of the school, including budgeting, curriculum, and operating procedures." This statute provides for the establishment of Apprentice Academy as an independent public school linked to the NC Department of Public Instruction. The governance structure of the Apprentice Academy board consists of a Board Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The remaining board members have committee leadership responsibilities based upon their areas of expertise. Governance functions and duties of the board include, but are not limited to:
Lead Apprentice Academy by establishing organizational policies that focus on results that will accomplish the school's mission.
Accept the collective responsibility of governing by using all of its members expertise and provide advice to the principal in those areas.
Regularly monitor and discuss the board's process and performance for continuous improvement.
Always know the status of meeting the board's goals and a strategy for meeting them.
Seek input from all stakeholders, including staff, students, parents, and other community stakeholders.
The board's decision-making process will focus on productivity and success, leading to improved student learning.
All decisions will be by a majority vote with the expectation that said decisions will be supported by all board members.
Board Meetings
Last Session - Tuesday 10/1/2024 - 7pm ET

John Jedra

Helen Gutshall

Sharon Ross
Vice Chair

James Warner